Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Coach Jeremy's First Class

Coach Jeremy conducted his first class at the corporate gym last night! It was a big hit with the ladies that came out to give CrossFit a try! Great job everyone! Keep at it, I know you'll love it! I promise!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brisk Morning Chipper!

For Time:
30 Squats
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
30 KB Swings (53#/35#)
30 ABMAT Sit-ups
30 Power Cleans (65#/45#)
30 Burpees
30 Wallball shots (20#/10# to 10ft.)
800m Run

Lung burner of a chipper! Brutal! The box jumps following the squats, Brutal. The burpees following the power cleans, Brutal. The wallball shots following the burpees, Brutal. The run following the wallball shots, Brutal. How many times do you think I can say Brutal? The loads in this WOD were light enough to allow almost completely unbroken sets for everything. Brutal. Richard and Micaela had some fun with this one. Brutal. Pretty fun little, brutal, chipper! So what's the tally up to?

This Saturday, we will be partaking in the brutal St. Patty's day 5k up on Snoqualmie Ridge! If anyone is up to the challenge it should be a fun little run. Pre-registration brutal has ended, but you can still sign up the day of the race. It will be fun times, in a brutal kind of way.


Monday, March 8, 2010


Wow, I've gotten lazy about posting to this. I've mainly been posting notes on Facebook, so I'm sure everyone has been looking at those rather than here. Maybe there is a way to post at one and have it appear on both....hmmmm...


15-12-9 reps of:

Clean & Jerk

Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

Where do I begin with this one?! This is a girl from back in the day, around 2004 in the archives of CrossFit. This girl has a lot going for her! First off, there is no time component. I know it sounds like it's not a typical CrossFit style workout, but let me tell you, it is straight up BRUTAL! Gwen is a big time mental workout as well as a very technical workout. Clean & Jerks are a big time movement! If you look at our 10 general physical skills (Cardio/respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, Accuracy), just guess how many are used in this movement! Just a couple right? ;) The idea is to pick a load and be able to complete all reps in each round unbroken, no re-grips, just straight unbroken Clean & Jerks, and then you can rest however long you want between rounds. Starting to sound a bit harder yet?

The mental aspect of this girl is HUGE! Once you get a few reps in, you start breathing hard, the legs start feeling the squats, the shoulders start getting fatigued, and there is really no point in the lift that you can rest and catch your breath! You almost want to go as fast as possible just to get through it, but at the same time the cleans become a killer cardio hit that you want to stop and breath somewhere. The grip also screams at you to stop and set the bar down for a minute, but it's all about how long can you endure the pain!

"Gwen" definitely deserves respect, and definitely should not be looked at as "oh,that doesn't look too hard!"

Pretty good article about Cheerleading vs. Coaching from Hyperfit USA
Cheerleading vs. Coaching