Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4th

Doing a ride along with Kennewick Fire Department today! Fun times! Took a break after dinner to hit a little WOD at the station. I definitely should have waited much longer before trying this one.

"Hotel" WOD:
100 DB hang squat clean to thruster (35#)
*every minute do 5 burpees


Once I hit 50 squat clean to thrusters I had a hard time doing more than 5-10 before I had to do more burpees.

Thursday June 3rd

Swung by SnoRidge on my way east for a quick WOD. Or at least I thought it was going to be quick.

From the SW Regionals:

5 rounds:
5 Muscle-ups
10 power cleans (135#)
Run 200m

19:51 (I believe off the top of my head.)

This one was tough! Had to break up the muscle ups starting in the third round. Had trouble with the power cleans, perhaps still feeling the crazy amount of deadlifts on Sat.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This past Memorial Day Weekend, I joined Tom in taking on a Hero WOD a day.  If you have ever taken on a Hero WOD, you know that this is no easy task.  If you are unfamiliar with Hero WODs, they are hard, they usually have some advanced movements in them, and they are designed to challenge you mentally. 

First up was:

5 Rounds for time
21 Dumbbell Snatch, right arm (40#/25#)
21 L-pull ups
21 Dumbbell Snatch, left arm
21 L-pull ups

Sunday was an epic trainers WOD.  We all met in the evening to take on:

AMRAP in 30 min. of:
5 Deadlifts (275#/185#)
13 Push-ups
9 Box jumps (24"/20")

Monday, after watching two classes take on their choice of either "Jerry," "McGhee," or "Erin,"  Jeremy and I decided to stick with the original plan and take on the new hero WOD "Nutts"

10 Hand stand push-ups
15 Deadlifts (250#)
25 Box jumps (30")
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallballs (20#)
200 Double Unders
400m Run w/45# plate

It was an epic weekend!  A lot of hard work, and good times with great friends.  It was awesome to see so many come out to honor the fallen on Monday.  Everyone gave their all in each workout!