Sunday, August 2, 2009

Monday, August 3

Today is a new day, and with that new day, comes a new WOD and concept. We're going to be implementing some strength components into our WOD's in an attempt to do what we all want...get stronger! This will be an experiment and will probably require some fine tuning, but in the end, the result should be PR's in strength, and PR's in WOD times. With this new protocol, maximum effort will be required, intensity will be rewarded. Now is the time to step it up. Go heavier. Go harder. Go Faster.


5 burpee pullups
Samson Stretch, L, R, 15 sec. each
5 Gorilla pullups
Bear crawl 4 times across aerobics room
Burgener warmup (3-5 of each stage)

Strength WOD:

Press 5x5

WOD: "Nasty Girls"

3 rounds of:
50 squats
7 muscle ups*
135# Hang Power Clean, 10 reps*

Post WOD:

HSPU skill work
Kipping skill work
Front lever progression
Planche progression

*4 pullups, 4 dips = 1 muscle up
*Womens Rx is 95#

"Nasty Girls"
R: 20'10"21 @115#
J: 17'36"68 @115#
B: 10'48"18 Rx

1 comment:

  1. This one was tough....all it did was strengthen my resolve to learn the muscle up. 3 dips and 3 pullups for everyone really sucks!!
    17 minutes and change.
