Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back At It

Yesterday I got back to squatting.  Since the heavy squat cleans felt good on Saturday, I figured it was time to start throwing the weight back on the back squats.  Rather than just jump right back to my old Wendler weights, and probably do something stupid and hurt myself, I'm going to kind of ease back into things.  Figured this would be a good time to try a slightly different approach to some strength training.

20 rep Back Squat


So here's how this is going to work.  You're supposed to take your best 5 rep max and then take 80# off of that.  Since I'm just easing back into things, I decided let's start at BW, sounded like a good idea.  You are going to squat twice a week.  For me I'm thinking Monday's and Thursdays or Fridays, not sure yet.  Each time you squat add 5#.  The goal is to get 20 reps unbroken.  If you have to break them up, take as little rest as you can and get right back on the bar and keep going till you hit 20 reps.  The idea is that if you took 80# off your 5RM, in 8 weeks your 5RM will now be a 20 rep max.  Sounds pretty awesome eh!?

I warmed up on some OHS, and then hit a tough little WOD, with a fun and nasty little twist.

21-15-9 reps of:
OHS (135/95)
GHD sit-up wallballs (20/14)

9:39.  The GHD wallballs are freaking nasty!  I could really feel my abs and quads working extra hard to string these together.  Started off with around 9 or 10 in a row, then was down to 3's or 4's the rest of the way. 

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