Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thursday was a good day.  After taking Tuesday and Wednesday off, my body felt pretty good going into Thursdays WOD.  While my body was feeling rested, sleep wise was the opposite. 

Complete 2 rounds of each of the following couplets:

Row 36 calories
36 Wall ball shots (20/14)

21 Burpees
42 One arm KB swings (53/35)

14:28.  Stormed through the row/wall ball and had a good lead on Tom.  For some reason decided to do sets of 10 kb swings and then set the kb down.  Tom came back during the first set of swings and started the second set of burpees just ahead of me.  I sped up the burpees a bit to retake the lead, and then went to sets of 5 swings per arm with switching in the air.  This worked much better and was way faster.  Don't know why I didn't even think of doing this the first set.

After the Bday WOD, Tom and I came up with a nasty little gymnastics WOD. 

9-6-3 reps of:
Ring handstand push-ups
Skin the cats

12:32.  Surprisingly, the muscle-ups were the hardest part for me.  I don't know what it was, but I just could not do them very well.  Must have been more wiped out from the Bday WOD than I thought.

Friday was a horrible AMRAP.

AMRAP in 20 min. of:
12 Power snatches (65/45)
10 Push-ups

15 rds +4 power snatches.  I simply could not hold onto the bar anymore.  As I write this, I have realized that I have a couple blood blisters on my hands from all the snatches.  I ended up doing probably around 6-7 rounds unbroken on the snatches, then went to sets of 8/4 for the most part.  I slowed down my cycle time on the snatches from my normal pace to make sure and get my back set on every rep.  The back feels good, other than being tight this morning. 

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