Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tuesday I was feeling pretty beat up after the AF WOD 11, so I didn't really want to do much of a crushing WOD.  Jeremy and I came up with a nice little AMRAP to work on some skills.

AMRAP in 12 min. of:
3 Ring dips (45#)
6 L-Pull-ups
9 Toes to Bar

6+7 TTB.  I need to start working on the L-pull-ups again.  Kind of forgot how hard they are.

Wednesday I kind of took the day off.  I was still feeling pretty beat up in the legs, so I did a lot of rolling, some mobility WODs and then finished off with a Tabata row to see if that loosened things up a bit.  The row felt pretty good, and did loosen the legs up a bit.

This morning was the rematch of the AF WOD 11.  Went with Pat to see if we could push each other.  Went with a totally different rep scheme, and was able to shave 16 seconds off my previous time.  I would have liked more, but considering I really didn't sleep last night, I'm happy to even be under my time from Monday.  I broke it up this time as follows:

130 Double Unders
16 Deadlifts (225#)
35 Thrusters
40 Double Unders
12 Deadlifts
25 Thrusters
30 Double Unders
12 Deadlifts
15 Thrusters

7:55.  Snagged on 110 or so in the first set of DU's.  Then got the next 20 pretty quick.  I tried to move slower and pace myself more to avoid hitting the wall like last time.  I had a nice steady pace on the deads, and really tried to focus on slowing my thrusters down and breathing more during them.  Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it went, and it wasn't any better this time around.  It still hurt something awful and I felt like complete crap after it was done.

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