Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mt. Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman

Yesterday we did Epic shit!

Tom, Sean, Moe, Pat, and I all competed in Mt. Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman.  This was an amazing event, and tons of people came out to show their support and donate money to Fragile X research. 

Event 1:

1RM Deadlift (Appolon's Axle)

503#, 2nd place.  After much debate over where to start on my 3 attempts, and where to go with my attempts, I decided to start with 443#.  This felt pretty good and proceeded to hit 463#.  This felt really good, and with a little encouragement, decided it was time to go for it.  Hit 503# which is a 3# PR over my regular bar deadlift!  Stoked!!!

Event 2:

2 Rounds:
200m Run
5 Stone loads to 50"  (200# stone)
2 Rope climbs

6:11, 4th place.  Honestly, this was the event I was a little nervous about.  After failing a stone load during a practice run a couple weeks ago, I knew how much time it added to the overall time.  Once I started going, I just tried to forget about that practice run and took a little extra time on the stone loads to make sure that every one made it on top of the platform.

Event 3:

3 Rounds:
7 Log press/push press/jerk (140#)
21 Double-unders

2:36, 4th place.  I knew going into this event how this one would go which was nice.  I was able to take a little less rest this time compared to the first time I did this WOD a couple weeks ago.  This is a deceiving little couplet.  The Log is a while different ball game.  While the load seems pretty "light," it feels so much heavier than 140#. 

Event 4:

Farmer's Carry/ Sandbag carry medley

:36.6.  This was a tough little event.  The farmer's carry handles for my weight class were 210# each.  Yes, each hand, so 420# total weight!  Those felt extremely heavy!  When I picked them up, I just leaned forward a bit and the weight started carrying me forward, and I was just hoping that my feet could keep up!  The sandbag weight was 200# for my weight class.  It is totally awkward to pick up a 200# sandbag and run with it. 

Overall, I think I finished in 4th place.  This event was SO much fun!  I'll definitely be back for next years, and I would encourage everyone to give it a try, even if you have to scale some of the loads.  It was a total blast doing these "different" events and lifts.  Some stone molds are definitely in my future, and quite possibly a log! 

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