Friday, November 12, 2010

Whole Lotta Squattin

Met up with Tom and Michelle yesterday for a WOD.  We played around with a bunch of skill work before picking an old mainsite WOD and throwing down.


I worked on some presses to handstands against the wall.  I'm trying to get back into working on some more challenging gymnastic movements, which should help when stuff like the Muscle-up into HSPU pops up. 

Next went for a set of max double unders.

127!  PR of 7.  I felt like I could have done more, but the handles were slipping out of my hands on the last several reps.


10 min. HSPU
5 min. Squats
2 min. Pull-ups
1 min. Push-ups

44/200/45/29 = 318 reps.

This is a totally deceiving WOD!  The 10 minutes of HSPU seem to last forever.  It's like a strength WOD built into it.  I started off with sets of 3 and was able to keep doing sets of 3 almost the whole time.  Did a set of 2 towards the end and a couple singles.  Then when you hit the squats, the time seems to disappear as you are cranking out the squats.  The heart rate starts to get jacked and you start breathing heavy.  Then you jump to the pull-up bar and when you think you have quite a bit of time to knock out some pull-ups, you all of a sudden only get 3-4 sets.  Then the push-ups hit, and they are nowhere to be found.  The minute is gone before you know it.

Great WOD, even though I felt pretty crappy afterwards.

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